Why undergo a breast lift?
Breast sagging is a common issue for many women and can be brought about by weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding or simply as a result of the natural ageing process. Particularly for women with larger breasts, the effects on the body can be noticeable and can alter the silhouette. This is often detrimental to self-esteem and is well-renowned as one of the most loathed effects of ageing.
A mastopexy, otherwise known as a breast lift, is a procedure to reverse these effects. It doesn’t really fall under the category of ‘boob job’ as it is not about making the size of the breasts larger or smaller, so much as a procedure to restore the youthful lifted and pert appearance.
How do you know if a breast lift is needed?
The degree of breast sagging is established on a scale ranging from 1-3, and it is based on how low the nipple is in relation to the crease under the breast. This also determines the type of breast lift surgery that is required. The severity of breast drop (or ptosis) will be determined by Mr. Chana in your pre-surgery consultation and will affect how the surgery is performed. Mr. Chana will discuss this with you at length – and any implications it may have on recovery or scarring – during your consultation.
How is a breast lift performed?
The surgery itself is performed under general anaesthetic, and so you will be required to stay in the hospital overnight. The surgery involves moving the nipple to a higher position and reshaping the breast tissue to sit higher on the chest. This will involve a scar around the nipple and a vertical scar which extends downwards to the level of the crease under the breast. Sometimes if the nipple is very low a scar is also required in the crease under the breast (the so-called ‘anchor’ shaped scar). There is also a type of procedure where the scar is just hidden around the nipple itself but this only possible in very mild degrees of nipple drop and not normally suitable for the majority of women. The procedure takes around two hours to perform.
Can a breast lift be combined with an implant?
A lift will not increase breast size and therefore if you want an increase in a lift an implant will be required. Also, in many cases, a lift will only reposition the nipple and lift the breast tissue but will not provide a full cleavage at the upper pole of the breast. If this is the main consideration then again, an implant will be needed.
What is the recovery after a breast lift?
You should take 1-2 weeks off work, and avoid vigorous activity such as sport for six weeks after your procedure. You should also sleep upright for the first few nights after your surgery, in order to reduce any excess bruising or swelling. Any discomfort you may experience can be easily dealt with by mild painkillers that will be prescribed by Mr. Chana – you should not take aspirin though, as this can thin the blood and cause excessive bruising and bleeding.
You should expect some degree of bruising after surgery, although this should subside within a matter of two weeks. Your scarring may appear slightly ‘puckered’ at first, and this can take up to 6 months to settle completely. The scars will continue to mature for up to 18 months after surgery.
What are the risks of a breast lift?
Serious complications of mastopexy are very rare, but as with all surgeries, you should be aware of the potential minor risks. There is a chance of infection during any surgical procedure, but if you carefully follow Mr. Chana’s aftercare advice and take the prescribed antibiotics, you will greatly minimise this risk. Bleeding is also a minor risk but this can easily be identified during your hospital stay and is rare in any case and easily treated. You may lose some sensation along with nipple sensation and it is highly unpredictable to what degree this may occur. Some women may lose the feeling in the nipple altogether and others not at all. Some minor degree of asymmetry is also a minor risk but some degree of asymmetry is normal in all breasts.