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Chin liposuction

If you are concerned about a chubby chin and neck there are various options available which depend upon the degree of problem and your age.

In younger patients chin liposuction is a good option . VASER is one of the preferred types of liposuction for the chin and neck since it is gentle, minimizes bruising and has enhanced recovery times.

In older individuals there may be a degree of skin laxity and loose muscle bands under the chin which is associated with excess fat . In this situation chin liposuction of any type can make the appearance worse since the loose skin and muscle laxity will be made more visible. Therefore, lifting procedures such as a necklift and lower facelift combined with liposuction are more appropriate.

In younger individuals chin liposuction on its own may be straightforward but it is often a difficult decision whether a good result is achievable in middle aged or older individuals .  For this reason it is important to receive advice from an experienced Plastic Surgeon rather than a high street beauty or Aesthetic clinic where you may be sold a treatment which is unsuitable for you.

Mr Chana is based in North London and has had many years of experience and was one of the first Plastic Surgeons to introduce VASER liposuction in the UK. He is also experienced in face and necklift surgery which means you will receive expert advice on whether chin liposuction is right for you or if you would benefit from an alternative procedure. He has regularly been featured in the press for his expertise in facial surgery and you can read about one of his patients undergoing Vaser liposuction to the chin in the case studies below

Am I suitable for Chin and Neck liposuction ?

The best candidate for this procedure is someone who has excess fat under the chin and jawline but has good skin tone with no skin laxity.


The Chin liposuction procedure

The procedure can be carried out under local anaesthetic with some mild sedation. Mr Chana prefers VASER liposuction which uses ultrasonic energy to emulsify the fat . A small incision is made under the chin through which the liposuction is carried out. Then some fluid is injected which softens the fat and absorbs the energy from the VASER probe. The VASER probe is first introduced and passed across the chin and neck after which a fine cannula is used to extract the fat. Since the fat is emulsified the whole process is very gentle and avoids the forceful traumatic removal of fat which occurs with conventional liposuction. If there is excess fat under the jawline and the sides of the neck additional small openings may be required to reach these areas but these scars will be hidden behind the earlobe.

The Recovery after Chin Liposuction

You may go home the same day but need to rest for approximately 1 week. The procedure is not very painful and most individuals simply experience some discomfort. Bruising tends to be minimal.

You will need to wear a chin strap which is an elastic garment which supports the chin and neck and keeps the swelling down.  This needs to be worn for 1 week and this wil be supplied to you before you leave the hospital. The stitches are dissolvable.

There may be some mild swelling for approximately 2 weeks after which there is a settling down period. You will need to refrain from heavy exercise for 4 to 6 weeks. The best results are seen at between 3 to 6 months. It is possible there may be some mild lumpiness which you can feel during the healing period but this tends to settle down during these months.


The risks from chin liposuction

The risks rom liposuction are uncommon but can include infection for which you will be given antibiotics post procedure. Bleeding is very rare since the procedure does not involve large incisions.

Some irregularities can occur but if present they usually even themselves out over a few months helped with some gentle massage.

Some mild asymmetry and loss of sensation can occur.

Damage to the nerves which move the face is exceedingly rare.

There is a risk of skin laxity in older individuals and Mr Chana will discuss whether a necklift or skin tightening procedure may be required simultaneously.

  • VASER LIpo to chin and neck in 39 year old
    CaseStudy Content :
    Chin liposuction surgery before and after
    Chin liposuction surgery before and after

    This patient underwent VASER lipo to the chin and neck resulting in contouring of her jawline. In fact this lady also had a mini-facelift using a short scar technique. She was so thrilled with her results that when I was asked to provide an expert commentary in the Daily Mail she was delighted to be interviewed :

    Chin Liposuction newspaper article

  • VASER lipo to chin and neck in 30 year old
    CaseStudy Content :
    Vaser Chin Liposuction surgery before and after
    Vaser Chin Liposuction surgery before and after

    This 30 year old patient underwent VASER lipo to her chin and neck. You can see it has been possible to achieve a beautiful contour eliminating a heavy chin but also producing very elegant definition of her jawline

chin contouring
chin and neck surgery
vaser liposuction
chin liposuction
neck liposuction
neck contouring
Local Anaesthetic
Surgery time
1 hour
Hospital stay
Day case
Time off work
1 to 2 weeks
Full recovery
6 weeks
Best results
3 to 6 months
Price from
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