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Mens Facelift Surgery

A male facelift is designed to improve the signs of ageing such as laxity in the cheek and laxity along the jawline resulting in jowls. The male anatomy is different to female faces in terms of a stronger jawline and more prominence in the underlying bone anatomy. The skin tends to be  thicker and heavier and this is especially the case in the beard area. These factors are taken into account when planning surgery since it is important not to feminise the face.  

Often changes in the neck tend to be more pronounced due to the weight of tissues and in some men there may be a genetic predisposition to laxity of the neck tissues combined with a tendency for a chubby neck. It is quite usual to combine some form of neck surgery with the facelift to optimise the results but this can vary from one person to another. 

London based plastic surgeon Mr Jag Chana is experienced in performing mens facial surgery including eyelid surgery, browlifts and rhinoplasty. This combined experience and an aesthetic eye help tailor the surgery specifically for each type of male anatomy. No two facelifts are the same and the technique needs to be individualized in order to achieve the most natural results. 

Particular care needs to be taken not to feminise the eyes which can occur by undue tension on the cheek tissues . The same is true when performing eyelid surgery in combination with the facelift since it is important to avoid altering the angle of the eyes. 

Mr Chana has been performing facelifts primarliy from his London based clinics for over 25 years and as a result of his age and experience now has one of the busiest practices in London. He has also been mentioned in the media numerous times as one of the go to surgeons for facial surgery.

His reputation is summarized by the testimonial of one of his male patients who came back 10 years later :

I am a male of 68 years old. I had a face-lift exactly 10 years ago which was rather brave of me. To be honest , it was the best decision l ever made. The face-lift was so successful that l continously get positive comments about my fresh youthful looks . Everyday when l looked into the mirror , l am still satisfied with my appearance. Up today nobody knew l had the face-lift except my family.

What can l say, except that if you want a excellent job done, do see Mr.Chana. He is the best money can buy.

How are natural results achieved with mens facelift surgery ?

One of the most important aspects is to avoid an unnatural sweep to the skin. This can be avoided with a deep plane facelift approach where the primary lift is achieved by releasing the deep ligaments with tension on the deep SMAS layer which is fixed securely resulting in a true anatomical restoration of the more youthful position of the deep soft tissue structures of the face. This avoids the tension on the skin which often causes unnatural results. 

The direction of lift is important since excessive midcheek elevation can cause an unnatural eyelid appearance especially when smiling where this can appear more feminine. The same is true if there is hollowness in the cheek area. In this situation it would be appropriate to use fat transfer techniques to restore the volume but too much fat transfer can also can result in a high cheek eminence which is more of a feminine characteristic.

Adjunctive procedures such as eyelid surgery are best perfomed  more conservatively and in in a manner which avoids an eyelid slant. Similarly browlift which are common in men should not be overdone with too high an arch to the eyebrow.

Where are the scars in mens facelift procedures?

The scars are placed differently in men due to the beard area. This is hidden in the sideburn area and extends downwards just in front of the ear. In women, the scar is located in the curves and on the edge of the tragus but if this was performed in men the hairbearing cheek skin would move onto the tragus and too close onto the ear making it difficult to shave. 
The scar also extends in the groove behind the ear and then down along the edge of the hairline behind the ear.

How is the surgery performed ?

The surgery is performed in our London clinic under sedation or under general anaesthetic . The decision on the type of anaesthetic will be decided after a discussion at consultation and will depend on other procedures being carried out at the same time.

An incision is made as described above and a deep plane facelift is performed . This involves extensively elevating the deep plane layer and releasing the retaining ligaments. The deep plane is then lifted and fixed in position to restore a more youthful anatomy. This elevates the jowls and redefines the jawline. Some skin naturally elevates with the deep plane lift and the excess is trimmed around the ear. However, excess skin tension is avoided.

In the majority of cases a necklift is performed at the same time since definition below the jawline enhances the overall result and helps with laxity in the neck. This scar is placed under the chin where it is well hidden.

What ancillary procedures can be performed with the facelift surgery?

The commonest procedure to be performed with the facelift is a necklift. This can range from a muscle tightening of the platysma muscle or in addition liposuction, and deep neck work.

Fat transfer can enhance the overall result if there is hollowing in the face from the typical features of fat loss in the cheeks. A hollow face can be quite ageing and a facelift by itself cannot correct this. Therefore fat transfer at the same time as the facelift is an important rejuvenating procedure.

Eyelid surgery and browlift surgery also helps to provide an overall rejuvenation. This is to improve droopy upper eyelid skin and a heavy brow but also fat bags on the lower eyelid. 

What is the recovery after a male facelift ?

The dressings are removed the next day and usually no other dressings are required. In some patients in whom extensive liposuction is needed under the chin and on the neck a chin compression garment is provided .

There may be some bruising which can last approximately 2 weeks along with some swelling. Of course in women it is easier to hide some bruising with make up and concealer . 
The stitches are removed one week later. If you have short hair  it is advisable to grow your hair a little longer around the edges of the hairline since it will be easier to conceal the since the scars may remain red for several weeks.

Also, it is important to understand that the surgery can result in some temporary numbness in the skin and while waiting for the nerves to grow back it is advisable to use an electric razor rather than wet shave. In some instances you may need to shave behind the earlobe if the skin elevation has resulted in transposition of some of the hairbearing beard skin upwards behind the earlobe.

You should not exercise for approximately six weeks by which time the healing has occurred although the scars continue to improve over a period of about a year.

What are the expected results following surgery ?

The best results are to be expected between three to six months although healing with respect to the scars continues for approximately a year. 

Following surgery an improvement in a better defined jawline and improvement in laxity in the cheek is to be expected. Often jowl formation and laxity causes a heavy lower face which is reversed by the faceliift surgery. An improvement in the laxity in the neck occurs at the same time when combined with a necklift since a sharpeneing in the contours both below the jawline and above the jawline provides a synergistic effect in the overall result.

Some lines around the mouth may remain since these are natural lines of expression . An elimination of these lines can result in an unusual and mask like appearance which is a tell tale sign of having had surgery since normal facial expression changes. The best results are those where nobody realise you have had surgery but your appearance is refreshed and you look more youthful and vibrant.

Who should avoid mens facelift surgery ?

If you have other major medical conditions such as major heart disease or lung disease then the risks of surgery may be too high to undergo surgery.

There are certain conditions which cause particular problems with skin healing such as diabetes or if you are on steroids. Facelift surgery involves elevating the skin and since the blood supply or healing capacity is impaired for such individuals there is a higher risk of delayed healing or skin necrosis.

The risks of this operation are also higher in smokers and if you smoke it is important to completely stop at least four to six  weeks prior to surgery. If you are a heavy smoker and you cannot stop smoking you will be unsuitable for surgery.

These risks will be carefully assessed during a consultation prior to surgery.

What are the risks of surgery ?

There is generally a low incidence of risks following a facelift procedure especially if you follow all the advice provided to you. 

Infection is a risk but you will be given a prophylactic antibiotics during the procedure and for a few days afterwards which means that this situation is very rare. 

Bleeding is a risk which can result in a situation called a haematoma. This is a swelling under the skin which will mean a return to the operating room to remove the swelling and stop any bleeding point. It is not lserious and will not compromise the result of the surgery.  However, there can be a little more bruising during the recovery phase. This situation occurs in about 2 – 3% of patients and if it occurs it will be identified during the first few hours after surgery

The skin of the cheek will lose its sensation but this gradually returns over a period of a few months. During this recovery phase there may be some minor symptoms like pins and needles or some itching. This is nothing to be worried about and is part of the normal recovery.

Delayed healing of the skin can rarely occur adjacent to the scars. This results in a thick leathery scab which will take some time to separate and heal. It can mean the scar may be thicker than usual and may need further minor intervention to improve the quality of scar. This is more common in smokers and therefore it is imperative you do not smoke prior to surgery. 

Damage to the facial nerve is rare during facelift surgery . 

How do I maintain the results of a facelift ?

Although the results of surgery are long lasting, general measures such as sun avoidance and the daily use of sun block will slow the effects of ageing. It is also important to stop smoking since this depletes the collagen in the skin resulting in more rapid development of lines and wrinkles.

There are also certain areas of the face where surgery does not make significant improvements such as the frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet since these are areas of muscle movement causing lines. Regular botox after the facelift can keep the whole face looking fresh and rejuvenated. Botox need not be administered in a way which freezes the whole face. In fact selective injection points can keep some muscles working so that a natural  facial expression is maintained.

How long does a male facelift last ?

Usually the results of facelift surgery last between 8 to 10 years since ageing continues .

However, the surgery tends to set back the clock so that in eight to ten years time you will still look better than if you had not undergone a facelift.

How much does a male facelift cost ?

An individual quote is provided after a consultation. The reason for this is that every patient has a unique and tailored plan for surgery which may include ancillary procedures.
The next step I to make an appointment for a consultation. At this consultation Mr Chana will discuss with your concerns and arrive at an overall plan for the surgery.
You will also have a meeting with our specialist nurse who will follow through all the pre-surgical and post surgical care plan .

Please call us on 0203 874 2064 to arrange a consultation or alternatively complete the consultation form below.

stem cell facelift
fat transfer
General Anaesthetic
Surgery time
3 hours
Hospital stay
1 night
Time off work
2 weeks
Full recovery
6 weeks
Best results
3 - 6 months
Price from
If you need help or have a question our staff are waiting to assist, call us on

Complete the form and one of our staff will contact you to book in your consultation.

What is the best type of facelift surgery for men ?
> See article