Patient safety
Ensuring safe surgery
Your safety during surgery is the priority during any procedure. A full history and examination is undertaken at initial consultation and a
medical screen including blood tests may be requested if necessary. It is important to provide a full history of current medication, herbal
and alternative remedies and cigarette smoking since all of these factors may influence the complication rates following surgery.
A safe hospital environment
There is a trend towards many smaller ‘clinics’ and non-surgically trained practitioners to offer many procedures being awake under local
anaesthetic. The reason for this is that either the clinics do not have the necessary facilities for general anaesthetics or the practitioners
are insufficiently trained and are attempting to cut costs whilst compromising patient safety. Although a local anaesthetic may be suitable
for some smaller operations it is not advisable for larger operations since the doses of local anaesthetic required may be toxic. In many
situations sedation is administered together with the local anaesthetic at such high doses that there is little difference between a general
anaesthetic. In these situations a Consultant Anaesthetist must be present during the procedure and many Consultants would maintain that it
is in fact safer to be completely asleep under a general anaesthetic. Mr Chana will not compromise on the safety of the procedure and will
recommend the correct form of anaesthesia for every procedure.
General anaesthetic procedures
One of the main concerns for patients is the safety of the general anaesthetic and the anxiety of being asleep during the procedure. Your
procedure will be carried at a large fully accredited Hospital encompassing all the necessary 24 hour facilities for complex surgery which
includes a high dependency unit.
Mr Chana has selected a team of expert Consultant Anaesthetists who have worked with him over the years and are experienced in the specific techniques of Plastic Surgery anaesthesia which are very different to other forms of anaesthetic. These Consultants are also NHS Consultants who work in an Intensive Care Unit and are therefore highly skilled to provide maximal safety in every situation.
Mr Chana has selected a team of expert Consultant Anaesthetists who have worked with him over the years and are experienced in the specific techniques of Plastic Surgery anaesthesia which are very different to other forms of anaesthetic. These Consultants are also NHS Consultants who work in an Intensive Care Unit and are therefore highly skilled to provide maximal safety in every situation.
Specialist plastic surgery nurses
The aftercare in terms of surgical garments, suture removal, wound care and dressings is extremely important. Mr Chana has two dedicated specialist
plastic surgery nurses who have worked in busy Plastic surgery units within the NHS and in the Private sector for very many years. They are at
hand throughout your whole journey from the initial consultation, to supporting you during the hospital stay and for all your aftercare. They are
available on a daily basis for advice and support.