This week, Mr Chana answers your questions about choosing a facelift in London. When it comes to choosing a facelift in London, what should patients look for?
It is important to seek a plastic surgeon for facelift surgery who specializes in this form of facial surgery. A plastic surgeon has full training in both facial and all skin related procedures and the art of manipulating the skin and the specifics of skin healing have been mastered over very many years of training. One of the key aspects that plastic surgeons have in their training in all forms of cosmetic surgery, but it is a good idea to choose an expert who specializes in facial procedures. For example, if a surgeon regularly undertakes breast surgery, they are unlikely to be the best surgeon for a facelift. It is also advantageous to have a surgeon with experience in facial reconstruction, as they have a dynamic and deep understanding of the structure of the face.
Many good facelift surgeons will have an NHS background in facial facial tumors, skin cancers, facial reconstruction and dealing with facial surgery in aesthetic surgery. The background, therefore, of this nature, is that they have a well-rounded knowledge of the face.
Having an artistic eye and deciding what factors in the individual facelift patient are important too. Not all patients will have the same concerns and will not need the same facelift procedure. A treatment with procedures that can be performed with the patient to treat the patient - there is no point in performing the same technique on each patient.
It is also wise to choose a facelift surgeon in London who stays up to date with the latest surgical techniques. There are a lot of new ways of approaching facial rejuvenation, such as using volumizing procedures like fat transfer and laser resurfacing in combination with facelift surgery, which is all designed to enhance the overall result.
How do you approach facial procedures, such as facelift surgery?
It is important to be patient-focused, and understand exactly what the patient is unhappy with regards to their facial ageing. Unless you address individual concerns, you are unlikely to achieve a satisfied patient.
The analysis of the ageing features in the face is critical to achieving a good result. The quality of the skin and the overall appearance is also considered. If other procedures are necessary in order to fulfil a patient’s goals, these can also be added to the treatment plan. For example, facelift surgery alone cannot improve loose skin in the eyelids or a dropped brow. Therefore, in these situations, a blepharoplasty or brow lift can be added to the treatment plan. Similarly, if there has been loos of volume in the cheek area and under the eyes which is contributing to ageing a facelift on its own cannot address this feature and fat transfer should be considered to enhance the result.
Your practice focuses on facelift surgery, why is it important to have a plastic surgeon dedicated to this speciality?
Plastic surgeons spend all their training specialising in procedures of the face. Whereas plastic surgeons dedicate their whole training to learning about the techniques to manipulate the skin; other surgeons such as ENT surgeons spend all their training on voice, hearing and throat surgery. There is, therefore, a huge difference between an ENT specialist with limited facial plastic surgery experience who calls himself a facial plastic surgeon and a full-time plastic surgeon. Unfortunately, the term ‘plastic surgeon’ has been adopted by very many other types of the surgeon. The patient needs to carefully examine the surgeon’s primary speciality so, for example, is it ENT surgery or maxillofacial dental surgery or is the surgeon a wholly qualified plastic surgeon. The only way this can be determined is by the credentials FRCS(Plast) after their name and if they are a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Surgeons (BAAPS).
How important is consultation when considering facelift surgery?
Consultation is a vital part of the facelift surgery process and allows patients to understand more about the risks and complications of the procedure they choose, as well as the benefits. It is important the facelift surgeon you choose understands your concerns and goals, but also offers you realistic and honest advice. If you don’t feel confident in the surgeon’s ability or you feel pressured into undergoing a facelift or facial rejuvenation surgery, walk away. Mr Chana usually offers his patients for two consultations prior to facelift surgery to ensure the procedure is going to be beneficial and the patient fully understands what is involved.
Do you have any advice for patients?
Research is important, it is a facelift surgeon on merit rather than cost, proximity or advertising. Recommendations and researching the surgeon's background is vital too - what is their surgical background? Where did they train? Are they a member of BAAPS or BAPRAS? Also, ask to see photographs of previous patients If you want to get a better sense of what the facelift surgeon can offer you.