Sagging eyelid skin, crow’s feet and puffiness are all-natural symptoms of ageing which are incredibly common. Many of us try and delay this process with over the counter products, but the results are often minimal and temporary. However, opting for an upper blepharoplasty may offer a long-term solution to minimise the ageing process and provide an effective rejuvenating effect for the eyes.
Understanding Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery
The basics: Upper blepharoplasty treatment is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the excess skin on the upper eyelids which occurs as a result of ageing. It does not improve crow’s feet lines for which Botox is a better treatment. It also does not lift the eyebrow for which a brow lift would be required.
How does it work?
Upper blepharoplasty surgery is performed under local anaesthetic with some mild sedation or general anaesthesia (being asleep) depending on your preference. Although local anaesthetic is entirely satisfactory for a small procedure such as this some patients may find it uncomfortable being awake and having a surgeon work very close to the eyes. For this reason, some individuals may prefer a general anaesthetic and be unaware of the procedure.
The procedure itself involves your surgeon creating an incision within the natural crease of the eyelid which is then extended out by a few millimetres into one of the crow’s feet lines at the outer corner of the eye. This allows your surgeon, to remove the loose sagging skin that may be causing you unhappiness. Once the incision has been made, a small amount of fatty tissue is also removed. The incision is closed carefully using the most delicate stitching techniques with a very fine running suture which is very easy and painless to remove 3 days later. The procedure offers long-lasting results for those over 40-50 years of age but is also effective for patients of any age with hooded eyelids.
How Dr Jag Chana ensures safety in surgery:
Mr Chana’s emphasis is absolute safety during the procedure and whether a local anaesthetic or general anaesthetic is used the surgery will always be carried out in a large fully equipped hospital and not in a small clinic. Dr Jag Chana’s anaesthetist who is a specialised Consultant in the NHS will also be present during the whole procedure.
Like all cosmetic procedures, upper blepharoplasty surgery comes with potential risks that need to be understood and carefully considered, in order to make an informed decision on whether it is right for you. Mr Chana will cover these during your consultation prior to making your final decision regarding the surgery.
Upper blepharoplasty does have some associated risks and potential risks, and patients should be aware of these before making the decision to undergo treatment. Apart from a scar and risk of infection other side-effects involved with upper blepharoplasty are rare. Some temporary loss of sensation along the eyelash line is normal and will return within a few months. Occasionally this can cause some clumsiness in applying makeup to the eyelashes but once the sensation returns this will not be apparent. Most patients have some degree of asymmetry in the face and even after blepharoplasty surgery there may be some minor differences in the pattern of skin lines between each eyelid.
The post-op results offer a rejuvenating and long-term result that is not easily achieved by any other non-surgical means. The other major positive is the regained confidence that patients may experience – sagging and heavy eyelids can not only be disheartening but can age you more dramatically than any other feature. The reason for this is that when looking at other people’s faces our gaze is directed towards their eyes 90% of the time which means that the eyes are visually the most central feature of the face.
Who to choose?
If you are considering undergoing upper blepharoplasty treatment, or any other cosmetic treatment, then finding a cosmetic surgery professional that you trust is imperative. It is important not only to the success of the procedure but also to your mental well-being, that you choose a practitioner who has experience performing your chosen procedure. It is important to choose a surgeon who has a history of excellent results and a good reputation along with someone with whom you feel comfortable.
Why choose Dr Jag Chana?
Dr Jag Chana is a Hertfordshire and London based plastic surgeon that specialises in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. He is revered within the cosmetic community for his emphasis on individualising treatments to specific patients and avoiding an approach that many other surgeons follow where one technique is applied to all patients.
Mr Chana is well-known – and well-published – a member of the British Associations of Plastic Surgery (BAPRAS and BAAPS). He has been featured in a number of national print publications and has been invited to appear on a number of television shows for networks such as Sky and the BBC.