Endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal
The traditional technique of lipoma removal involves a scar directly over the lipoma. When a lipoma ocurs on the forehead this will obvisously leave a permanent scar on a visible and very prominent part of the face. However, with keyhole surgery which is known as an endoscopic approach the lipoma can be removed without a visible scar. Mr Chana is experienced in endoscopic browlift procedures and this same technique allows removal of lipomas, bone growths and cysts from the forehead.
A lipoma is a benign tumour composed of an overgrowth of fat cells. Unlike other tumours a lipoma does not spread to other parts of the body and is harmless. Lipomas can be unsightly or at certain anatomical sites cause discomfort if they get very large. When lipomas occur on the forehead, they can cause a noticeable bump which can cause embarrassment and be disfiguring.
Forehead lipomas are generally not harmful, but they can be bothersome or unsightly, especially if they are large or located in a prominent area. They can also cause discomfort or pressure if they press on surrounding tissues, such as nerves or blood vessels.

What is endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal?
Endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes forehead lipomas without leaving a visible scar. The procedure involves making a small incision in the scalp, inserting an endoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end), and using specialised surgical instruments to remove the lipoma.
What are the advantages of Endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal :
Minimally invasive: The procedure is less invasive than traditional surgery, which can reduce pain, swelling, and scarring.
Faster recovery: Patients can typically resume their normal activities more rapidly.
Lower risk of complications: Because the procedure is less invasive, there is a lower risk of complications
No visible scar: Because the procedure is performed through small incisions within the hairbearing the scalp, there is no visible scar on the forehead.
What to expect during the procedure
Endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal is typically performed as a day case local anaesthesia in combination with some intravenous sedation. This means that you will be drowsy but numbed in the area where the procedure is being performed. The procedure usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the size and location of the lipoma.
How is the procedure performed ?
Usually two separate incisions are used set back in the scalp behind the hairline. The hair does not need shaving since the hair is simply carefully parted at the incision sites. Through one incision the endoscope (a camera within a narrow fibroptic tube) is inserted. The other incision is used to insert specialised thin and long instruments to help with the dissection. The tissues are elevated to create a tunnel towards the lipoma while the whole surgery is being visualised on a monitor screen. The lipoma is then carefully dissected out from its surrounding attachments and can be pulled out from the incision site. The lipoma is sent for hitological analysis. Dissolvable stitches are used to close the incisions.
What to expect after the procedure
After the procedure, you may experience some mild pain or discomfort. This is usually like a mild headache which can usually be managed with mild pain medication. You may also have some swelling and bruisingin the area where the procedure was performed. This should subside within a few days. Although a prominent bruise may take about two weeks to subside. You will be able to wash your hair daily although it is important not to comb and brush your hair too close to the incisions.
You are advised to avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a few days after the procedure, but you should be able to resume your normal activities within a week. It is best to avoid heavy exercise for approximately two weeks.
If you notice some numbness in the area this may take several months to improve and generally returns to normal.
What are the expected results ?
The technique avoids a scar at the site of the lipoma and so the technique appears scarless . However, there are two smaller scars which are hidden within the scalp behind the frontal hairline. These scars may look like a small parting in the hair but are usually inconsequential.
Very occassionally in larger lipomas there may be a small depression left behind at the site of removal. This is because the growth and expansion of the lipoma over time compresses the overlying tissues making them thinner and the removal leaves behind a space which then forms a depression. If this depression is noticeable at the time of surgery Mr Chana uses a technique of inserting a graft to fill this space. This graft will be taken from a layer called the fascia from under the hairbearing scalp . This helps minimise the potential for a depression forming at the site of lipoma removal.
Who is a good candidate for endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal?
Endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal is a safe and effective option for most people with forehead lipomas. However, there are some factors that may affect whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure, including:
Size and location of the lipoma: The size and location of the lipoma may affect whether or not it can be safely and effectively removed using endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal. Very large lipomas may require a direct surgical technique, while lipomas located in certain areas (such as very near the eye) may not be suitable for endoscopic removal.
If the hairline is receding it may not be possible to hide the scars within the hairline in which case the technique may not be possible.
Also if the lipoma is in the temporal region an endoscopic removal may not be needed since usually an incision just at the hair edge can be used to very simply remove the lipoma. Since the scar is at the hair edge this heals almost imperceptibly
Other treatment options for forehead lipomas
While endoscopic scarless forehead lipoma removal is a safe and effective option for most people with forehead lipomas, there are other treatment options available depending on the size and location of the lipoma and the individual's preferences.
One option is to simply monitor the lipoma and only consider treatment if it becomes bothersome or uncomfortable. Lipomas are usually slow-growing and benign, so they do not typically pose a significant health risk.
Another option is traditional surgical removal, which involves making a larger and longer incision to remove the lipoma. While this technique is effective, it can leave a visible scar on the forehead.
In some cases, liposuction may also be used to remove forehead lipomas. This technique involves using a small cannula to suction out the fat cells from the lipoma. However, liposuction may not be as effective for larger or more fibrous lipomas and there is a high risk of recurrence since some of the fat cells are left behind
What are the risks of endoscopic lipoma removal ?
The risks of this technique are small compared to traditional excision but include:
- infection
- bleeding
- loss of sensation
- mild hairloss at the small incision sites
- a depression or contour irregularity but this risk can be reduced with a fascia graft as described above.
What other lesions can be removed using this technique ?
Other types of lumps due to cysts and bone lumps can be removed in the same way. Sebeaceous cysts may be removed using an endoscopic technique if a large part of the cyst is under the skin rather than within the skin itself. Bone lumps such as an osteoid osteoma is very common on the forhead. These can be removed in the same way.