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Endoscopic scarless forehead osteoma removal

An osteoma occurring on the forehead can be removed using keyhole surgery and avoiding a scar on the forehead. It is not always necessary for you to have to accept a scar on a very visible part of your face. This technique uses the same instrumentation that is used for endoscopic(keyhole) browlifts. Since it is minimally invasive the recovery is quick with minimal downtime.


What is an osteoma ?

An osteoma is a benign (non-cancerous) tumour of the bone which occurs on the head and neck. Since they are benign an osteoma will not spread to any other part of the body and remains localised. However, they can increase in size which if present on the forehead can cuase a visible and unsightly raised lump. Very large osteomas may cause some tenderness or headaches.

Osteomas can form anywhere on the bones in the head and neck region but commonly are found on the jawbone, sinuses or on the skull. When located on the hairbearing scalp these can be removed easily since scars will not be visible. However, when located on the forehead a direct removal involves a visible scar and disruption to the forehead muscle which then needs to be repaired at the same time. There may also be a risk to damage to the nerves of the forehead. This issues can be avoided using a scarless keyhole approach.

How is endoscopic osteoma removal performed ?

This technique uses two small incisions above the forehead in the hairbearing scalp so that they are completely hidden. Using an endoscope the tissues are elevated from deep to the muscle of the forehead and the osteoma is located while visualising the dissection on a monitor. The osteoma is then removed with bone instruments and extracted through the very small incisions . The incisions are closed with absorbable stitches . No hair needs to be shaved and the incisions heal in a completely hidden part of the hair bearing scalp. This means that there is no scar on the forehead and since the osteoma has been removed from deep to the muscle there is no damage to the muscle with minimal risk to the nerves unlike the direct approach.

What anaesthetic is required ?

The surgery is performed under general anaesthetic and takes about 45 minutes but since this is a minimally invasive technique you can go home the same day.

Is the surgery painful ?

The surgery is not too painful and you may have a mild headache for 1 to 2 days which is easily controlled with mild painkillers.


What is the recovery ?

You should be able to return to work after  5 days and back to full activity and exercise after 2 weeeks. 


What are the next steps ?

It is best to arrange a consultation in the first instance. You may need a CT scan if you have not already had one. If you have had a CT scan you will need to arrange to have this forwarded to the office.

You can contact the office using the contact form below.


General Anaesthetic
Surgery time
45 minutes to 1 hour
Hospital stay
Day Surgery
Time off work
5 days
Full recovery
2 weeks
Best results
2 weeks
Price from
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